Guidance And Support Staff

Welcome to Hayden Guidance

Our Guidance office is located on the first floor at the north end of the school (room 130).

The Hayden Guidance office is home to our Guidance team which includes our Guidance Counsellors, Student Success Teacher, Learning Resource Teachers, School Social Worker, Mental Health & Addictions Nurse, Youth Settlement Worker, and English Language Learner supports.

Available services include:

Guidance Counsellors:  

Mike Butt

Tracey Forde

Jenn Hernandez

Guidance Admin Assistant:

Sue Graham                   

Learning Resource Teachers:

Mark Mamo

Tara McMinn

Kelly Trdin

Tom Van Impe

Kathryn Wheeldon

School Social Worker: 

Jen Bouskill

Student Success Teacher:

Danielle Kennedy

Co-operative Education Teacher:

Nelson DaCosta

Farah Zaiyouna

Youth Settlement Worker:

Sahar Said