Hayden Grads
Welcome to Hayden's Class of 2025!
Please check here often for information and updates throughout your Grade 12 year! Provided below is information regarding all post-secondary pathways, including:
Apprenticeship - Includes a supervised paid on-the-job experience and in-school training
College - Offer Certificate, Diploma, and Degree programs
University - Offer Degree programs
Workplace - Direct-entry to employment
Learn more about post-secondary pathway options:
Post-Secondary Pathways Timeline 2024/2025 includes key dates for the transition to post-secondary
Post-Secondary Online Resources to assist with post-secondary planning
Scholarship Opportunities to view a list, criteria, and due dates for any upcoming scholarships
OSAP- Ontario Student Assistant Program to learn about grants and loans to help pay for University and College
HDSB Guide to Post-Secondary to help students and families make informed decisions
Post-Secondary Applications:
Visit the Ontario Colleges website to apply to programs and to access Ontario Colleges application instructions
Visit the Ontario University Application Centre to apply to programs and to access Ontario Universities application instructions
HAyden Grads Monthly updates
Hayden Grads March Update (March 3, 2025)
Hayden Grads February Update (February 10, 2025)
Hayden Grads January Update (January 13, 2025)
Hayden Grads December Update (December 9, 2024)
Hayden Grads November Update (November 11, 2024)
Hayden Grads October Update (October 14, 2024)
Hayden Grads September Update (September 16, 2024)
Students Graduating or Not Returning:
Students who are not actively registered at Hayden (HDSB), or attending HDSB Summer School, or pre-registered for the next school year with HDSB will lose access to the HDSB Network & Halton Cloud (including Google Workspace for Education applications, data, and email).
IMPORTANT: Students should use a personal (non-HDSB) email address for their post-secondary applications to ensure emails are received following graduation.
To transfer data from your Google Workspace please see one of the options below:
Transfer email and Drive files to a personal Google Account using Google Takeout Transfer Your Content - see Transfer their content (*Personal GMail accounts only have 15 GB free drive space).
Archive data using Google Takeout - to create an archive of All their data in Google Workspace.
Should students wish to maintain their myBlueprint account after departure/graduation from HDSB, please access myBlueprint After Graduation for detailed instructions.